I’ve been working out with fitness anywhere’s TRX system lately. I had read about it and heard rave reviews from some of my fellow fitness and sports med professionals. The TRX is a portable suspension exercise system that delivers as easy or intense as exercise session as you want. Because the design uses your own body weight, you can modify the exercises from easy to ridiculously hard…all while dialing in your core musculature. I already do metabolic and strength circuits, but was impressed at metabolic demands and intensity of workout that was available with this system. From my first use of this system I could see some good rehab application. Sure enough, they are launching their sports medicine & rehabilitation stream to their system. Click below to see a quick clip about how the TRX works.I’ll post some of my own workouts in the next few weeks. If you want to try it out, see how you can use it to enhance workout routine, or want to talk about working this into your rehab program, give me a call. All the best. Dr. Mark
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