
Monday, December 19, 2011

The Benefits of Active Release Technique

Active Release Techniques® (ART) is a technique that is utilized in our office on a daily basis. There are many frequently asked questions regarding ART. I will try to answer some of these common questions and give a more clear understanding of what ART is, what it is used to treat and what kind of results you may expect.
ART is a patented, state of the art, soft tissue movement based system. It can effectively treat soft tissue injuries which do not respond to other traditional treatment methods. Soft tissues include muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Some of the common conditions we treat using ART include headaches, low back pain, IT Band Syndrome, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, knee pain, and sciatica.
The goal of ART is to restore optimal texture, motion and function of the soft tissue. This is accomplished through the removal of adhesions or fibrotic tissue through specific protocols. These adhesions can occur as a result of an injury, repetitive movements and constant pressure or tension. Through the specific protocols our trained ART professionals have learned, we are able to eliminate the pain and dysfunction which is associated with these conditions.
Every treatment with ART is patient specific. It will consist of examination and treatment of the entire kinetic chain, not just the area of pain. Usually, it is also combined with various treatments of chiropractic and physical therapy. The ART provider will evaluate the tissue looking for any abnormalities in texture, tightness and movement. Any abnormal findings will be treated with varying degrees of directed pressure and tension on the tissues, as the tissues are taken through specific movement patterns. Often, patients will describe the treatment as a “hurt so good” feeling. Every patient responds differently to treatment. However, utilizing ART has given our patients tremendous results. Typically, results are seen in a few treatments and may include decreased pain, improved tissue quality, improved range of motion and better functional movement capabilities.

For an informational video on the benefits of this technique or how it is performed, please visit our website at and click on the Spine and Sport Health Tip Link (on the left).  

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