
Monday, December 19, 2011

Miki Blanchard Helping Children in Uganda this January

Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat”
Sixty Feet
~Mother Theresa

In January, I will be joining Visiting Orphans and Sixty Feet on a mission trip to Uganda.  I cannot begin to tell you the impact this is making on my life.  As a physical therapist, I will have the opportunity to work with some of the most severely disabled and handicapped children who are imprisoned there.  I will have the privilege to teach the  Sixty Feet staff,  who volunteer their time and go into remand centers every day, how best to facilitate any recovery or rehabilitation in these children.

Thousands of children in Uganda live behind bars, not knowing if someone will ever come for them.  They are there because of petty theft, or they were picked up off the street, or they were abused or unwanted by family, or simply abandoned at the Police Station.  Sixty Feet is working towards moving the most vulnerable children out of remand centers and into family style structure where they will have the opportunity to really live and maybe someday, lead.

Please visit the Sixty Feet website at to read their story and the work they are doing for the imprisoned and forgotten children in Uganda.  If you are willing, you may donate to Sixty Feet (they have a list of items can donate), to our trip (Uganda Jan 2012) or donate a bottle of Gummy Vitamins at any of the VIMG offices.  If you donate money at one of our office locations, I will use it to purchase Gummy Vitamins, games, toys, pencils and other supplies the children need when I am there in Uganda.

Thank you, and have a blessed Holiday Season!   Miki Blanchard, MPT

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